So….in preparation for mail migration, we needed to catalog our entire Domino estate as when the mail migration project was completed, the next task would be to move away from the Lotus Notes Client.
We really had no idea how many databases were in use or even how many we had. I looked into some third party apps – namely a Cooperteam application which scanned through servers, collecting data on the databases and produced some good reports as to the complexity of the applications and type/category of applications etc. It was a top product and we would have gone down that route had it not been for our budget, which was near to nothing.
So I thought I’d develop our own, and it was a good job in the end as the app ended up being customised quite heavily to accomplish a number of other requirements.
The iDiscovery app had an agent which ran every morning in the early hours and catalogued the server, it would check if the database had been logged before, and if so, it would just update the bits that may change (size, usage info, document count, etc). If it was a new database it would log all the details required and also create an alert. The agent automatically categorises the databases based on location, and/or template name.
I had this iDiscovery database replicated to each of our servers and set up replication settings so only the hub server was set to hold data for all servers. This was then used for reporting etc.
From this data, we then knew how many apps were using ‘out of the box’ templates, how many were custom applications and based on the number of design elements etc, a complexity rating (albeit crude). We found a number of users had replicas of their mailbox in multiple locations so I then added a lookup to a custom view in the NAB to allow the app to determine which is the ‘Primary Replica’.